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Week 8 Reading and Writing

Looking back on my blog posts, I like what I have written. I like my blog's layout because it is clean, simple and fairly easy to navigate. By taking notes on the stories we have read so far in class, I have been able to improve my storytelling skills. Without my reading notes, my stories would not be as good because I wouldn't think about the original text's messages and themes as much. My strategy for reading notes is to have some summary so I can jog my memory, but then to focus in on what the text is trying to convey to a reader. Since this strategy has helped me this semester, I will continue to stick with it in the future.

My project is going well and is receiving lots of feedback. In general, I think many of the comments I receive are helpful. Some comments I disagree with, but it is nice to see other perspectives because this makes me think more about what I am doing.

In the future, I am going to keep pursuing my note taking strategies. I really want to focus in on my project and make it good, so that is going to be a priority for me in this class. Even if I get done with the points needed, I want my storybook to be good and inspiration for others to look back on.

My favorite photo I've posted in my notes from recent weeks. I think Bhima drinking blood is funny because it shows how unhinged and deranged of a character he can be. I also think the depiction is funny because all the faces of the characters look similar (Source: PDE Mahabharata)


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