This week's last words will be more famous than the last of course!
So this past week was pretty slow, and it seemed like nothing was actually due or urgent, so I relaxed a bit and did a lot of nothing. This was a mistake, as now I need to do a bunch of stuff by Wednesday and Friday of this week that I could have finished a week ago. This is a common pattern in my semesters at OU - first determine how much I can slack off, and then once it starts to heat up, stop slacking and meet the demand of class. So this week I will need to be more proactive and not as lazy.
Speaking of avoiding work, I was in robotics the past week adding little pictures to our circuit boards. That way they will look cool when they (don't) work. Here is an example of me adding the Sooner Competitive Robotics Logo to one of our team's printed circuit board designs:
So this past week was pretty slow, and it seemed like nothing was actually due or urgent, so I relaxed a bit and did a lot of nothing. This was a mistake, as now I need to do a bunch of stuff by Wednesday and Friday of this week that I could have finished a week ago. This is a common pattern in my semesters at OU - first determine how much I can slack off, and then once it starts to heat up, stop slacking and meet the demand of class. So this week I will need to be more proactive and not as lazy.
Speaking of avoiding work, I was in robotics the past week adding little pictures to our circuit boards. That way they will look cool when they (don't) work. Here is an example of me adding the Sooner Competitive Robotics Logo to one of our team's printed circuit board designs:
SCR logos on a PCB, one good way to waste some time. Personal Photo.
This past week in classes was very straightforward and relatively uneventful. Looking ahead, I have homework due in Control Theory and I need to read a play (Book of Days by Lanford Wilson) for my Theatre class. For research I need to start working on my undergraduate research day proposal and work on a paper I am co-authoring with my advisor. I also got accepted to another graduate school this week - so far that's four of them: Arizona State, WPI, Boston University and Virginia Tech. I have to start weighing up the pros and the cons of these schools while I wait for three more to come back with decisions (hopefully later this month). I can't let my foot off the gas just because I am a senior. I want to end my last semester at OU strong, and that starts with giving some effort this week toward getting back on track and staying focused.
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