The technology in this class is familiar to me, but is not what I use in my average class. Normally, classes use canvas for quizzes, or even tests, and normally post some resources there. However, this class opts to use a blog format and does not have quizzes or exams. I have used PBWorks with previous classes and find it normal to use. While Canvas is nice because you can easily scroll through all the modules, the blog layout of this class flows really well - maybe the team at Canvas could take a look at that when looking at how to improve their website.
The main web skills I want to focus on developing this semester are in creating my own website. I've done this before, but I want to manage the server myself and run multiple websites at once. It'll be an interesting engineering challenge, but I will be potentially trying to set that up during the semester if I have the time.
The main web skills I want to focus on developing this semester are in creating my own website. I've done this before, but I want to manage the server myself and run multiple websites at once. It'll be an interesting engineering challenge, but I will be potentially trying to set that up during the semester if I have the time.
I find working on technology fun; personal picture of an OU robotics emergency stop remote control I worked on with my team last semester.
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